Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wtf ?:p

Chillin at shisha bar, while there is a boy around only 12 years old sitting at the next table... How fucked up is the world ?:p play I know I'm only14 going on 15, but still when I was 12 I was into sweets and Friday fun was chillin with mum and dad :p

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Days plan

11:30 Doctors appointment
12:00 Trier
13:00 Luch- or my brother would die of starvation.
14:00 SHOPPING !!!
19:00 Home

Birthday wishes :)

Louis V bag
Guess top
Guess bag
A credit card for me
Yves ST perfume
And that's it :)
Woop wool going shopping with daddy's credit card :D

Monday, May 16, 2011


People can say as much shit to me as they want. They can tell me to jump off a bridge. Or cut my wrist, but tbh those things really dont bother me. If people have a problem with me then its tough luck for them. I'm not going anywhere. I have as much right to be here as anyone else.
Stick and stones may break my bones, but what doesnt kill me makes me stronger.
And all the formspring spam is getting annoying. People screw up, as if anyone has never made a mistake in their life.
People judge too fast. People should mind their own god damn buisness and stay out of it.
